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Obbligo per i forfettari e non solo: le novità sulla...



Obbligo per i forfettari e non solo: le novità sulla fatturazione elettronica nel 2024

Milano, 19 Gennaio 2024 - La principale novità per quanto riguarda le fatture elettroniche nel 2024 è senza dubbio l’estensione dell’obbligo di fatturazione tramite SDI anche a titolari di partita IVA in regime forfettario o appartenenti al vecchio regime dei minimi. Non è l’unica, però, ragione per cui vale la pena provare a riassumere cosa succederà quest’anno nel fisco digitale.

Fatture elettroniche e obbligo di conservazione a norma: cosa è cambiato dal 1 gennaio

Mezzo milione di professionisti in più innanzitutto, seconde delle stime, potrebbero trovarsi, come accennato in apertura, per la prima volta alle prese con la fatturazione elettronica. Lo scorso 31 dicembre è scaduto, infatti, quel regime transitorio previsto dal Decreto Legislativo 127/2015 che, a certe condizioni, consentiva ai titolari di partita IVA di continuare a utilizzare le fatture cartacee almeno per le transazioni tra privati (l’obbligo di fatturazione elettronica era scattato subito invece per forfettari, minimi ed enti del terzo settore in regime forfettario che emettono fatture alle pubbliche amministrazioni). Dal 1 gennaio 2024, insomma, chiunque emette fattura dovrà farlo in formato elettronico.

La novità è intesa a semplificare numerose operazioni fiscali e soprattutto a rendere più facilmente tracciabili e conoscibili al fisco gli importi fatturati. Forse la conseguenza più importate della fatturazione elettronica obbligatoria per il regime forfettario è del resto, come molti addetti ai lavori hanno fatto notare, proprio la maggiore probabilità di essere oggetto di accertamenti da parte dell’Agenzia delle Entrate, su acquisti e forniture incongrue rispetto al volume di fatturato per esempio.

Non mancano, certo, anche conseguenze più pratiche. Chi non lo abbia ancora fatto dovrà registrarsi all’applicativo disponibile gratuitamente sul sito della stessa Agenzia delle Entrate che consente di emettere e conservare le proprie fatture. Un’alternativa è rappresentata dal software di fatturazione elettronica in cloud Kubik di Alias Digital che aiuta piccole imprese e giovani imprenditori a gestire in maniera snella e più efficiente i principali aspetti fiscali del proprio business.

Tra gli obblighi che derivano dall’obbligo di fatturazione elettronica esteso anche a forfettari e minimi, di cui gli stessi potrebbero sottostimare l’importanza, c’è infatti anche quello di registrazione e conservazione a norma delle fatture elettroniche. I migliori servizi di fatturazione elettronica di occupano anche di questo aspetto, ma per una maggiore sicurezza e riuscire a conservare in un unico “luogo” tutta la documentazione digitale della propria azienda si potrebbe optare per servizi ad hoc come Doceasy.

Le altre novità sulla fatturazione elettronica nel 2024

Per tornare alle novità 2024 sulla fatturazione elettronica, quest’anno cambiano gli elenchi di controllo (semplificando all’osso viene rifiutata la fattura elettronica se è riscontrata l’invalidità della dichiarazione d’intento) e le modalità per accedere al regime del reverse change (anche nel caso delle operazioni realizzate con l’estero ma non correttamente assoggettate a tale regime si potrà ricorrere al documento TD28). Altre novità previste sono quelle che consentono agli operatori agricoli in regime speciale di gestire automaticamente le liquidazioni IVA e, soprattutto, l’applicazione delle regole tecniche previste in Europa per le fatture elettroniche verso le PA e capaci di garantirne la piena interoperabilità. 

Responsabilità editoriale: TiLinko – Img Solutions srl

Un team di giornalisti altamente specializzati che eleva il nostro quotidiano a nuovi livelli di eccellenza, fornendo analisi penetranti e notizie d’urgenza da ogni angolo del globo. Con una vasta gamma di competenze che spaziano dalla politica internazionale all’innovazione tecnologica, il loro contributo è fondamentale per mantenere i nostri lettori informati, impegnati e sempre un passo avanti.


Business Arts, l’autentica Arte del Business: opere made in...



Business Arts, l’autentica Arte del Business: opere made in Italy per gli amanti del moneymaking

Milano, 29 aprile 2024 - Quando l’Arte incontra il mondo del business e del moneymaking, nasce Business Arts. Una galleria online di canvas art in costante aggiornamento, progettata dai più talentuosi artisti della scena, che offre opere contemporanee ed accessibili agli amanti del genere. L’ampio catalogo di Business Arts dà la possibilità a chiunque di impreziosire i propri spazi abitativi o di lavoro con tele uniche, disponibili in varie misure e incorniciature.

Con oltre 4.000 clienti soddisfatti, il progetto Business Arts nasce in forte connessione con la propria community, richiamando a sé persone amanti delle icone del mondo del business, che ha sempre rappresentato un lato accattivante, dissacrante e sfrontato all’interno della cultura pop.

Le opere di Business Arts sono disponibili in consegna gratuita in tutto il mondo.

“Ci impegniamo a costruire una comunità che ispiri le persone - affermano i founder di Business Arts - e in cui chi ne fa parte si unisca per andare oltre i dettami del mainstream e per condividere l'amore per la crescita personale ed il business, attraverso opere di arte moderna. Con il nostro impegno, per la qualità e i prezzi accessibili, miriamo ad infondere convinzioni e credenze potenzianti per migliorare la vita dei nostri clienti, agevolandoli nel raggiungere gli obiettivi prefissati”.

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Getting Ready: LUX Helps Female Ex-Offenders Reintegrate...



Getting Ready: LUX Helps Female Ex-Offenders Reintegrate Back to Society

LUX Launches ‘Getting Ready’ Campaign to InspireEx-offenders to Re-embrace Beauty and Re-enter Society with Confidence

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire -29 April 2024 - LUX, the global beauty brand by Unilever, is proud to launch its new female empowerment campaign, ‘Getting Ready’ today.Through this campaign, LUX, has designed a programme to help women ex-offenders to re-embrace beauty to re-enter society with confidence and dignity. Driven by the belief that Beauty can be a powerful source of strength and by its commitment to promote inclusivity, LUX hopes to empowerwomen ex-offendersto face challenges ahead with strength.

Beauty is not just about how the world sees women,it also defines how women see the world. Aligning with this belief, LUX stands as an avid advocate for women to leverage beauty as a source of strength. Yet, women offenders are completely stripped of their femininity and beauty along with their freedom. Nobody needs to harness strength from beauty more than the women ex-offenders who have just been released. This is why LUX and VML Singapore haveembarked on the ‘Getting Ready’ project to help women ex-offenders restore their sense of self-worth and identity to better assimilate back into society.

‘Getting Ready’ extends beyond helping women ex-offenders rediscover their beauty. It is a movement challenging social expectations and stereotypes surrounding this marginalised female community.

The ‘Getting Ready’ programme comprises four modules to help women ex-offenders unlock their confidence and build their personal brand as they start their second life. The modules cover tools to overcome negative thought patterns; hard skills to tackle career goals and employment; improving social skills and communication; and image building, with establishing a beauty routine and finding their own style playing a big part in helping the women look good and feel good. In addition, LUX will be equipping these women with hair and beauty essentials to encourage personal grooming. Proper grooming through the act of enjoying a refreshing shower and soaking in the fragrance is the simplest form of self-care women can indulge in to foster their sense of self-worth. Though seemingly mundane, the act of dedicating time to clean and rejuvenate oneself helps women to forge self-love and boost confidence in their own beauty.

The first batch of women who underwent the ‘Getting Ready’ programme had their experience documented in a film which traced their journey of self-discovery and uplifting change. With this documentary, LUX hopes to reach a wider audience and spread awareness about the struggles and stigma these women ex-offenders face on a day-to-day basis, and the support they need to better reintegrate into society.

“Many women ex-offenders struggle with re-entering society and starting afresh as they have lost sight of their sense of self-worth and are unable to live life with dignity. This is in addition to having to deal with the uncertainties shrouding their new life,” said Severine Vauleon, Global Brand Vice President LUX “With Getting Ready, we would like to give these women a chance to properly live their life beyond the label. By helping them cultivate a positive relationship with their individual beauty and self-image,we hope that these women can find themselves and their footing in society again.”

"’Getting Ready’is not just about helping women ex-offendersregain self-respect; it’s also about initiatingdiscourse about the plight these women face and how we can all involve ourselves in changing unforgiving societal perception.” Hinoti Joshi, Global Managing Partner, VML Singapore, who spearheaded the campaign, commented.

‘Getting Ready’ is a campaign transcending social boundaries and re-instilling hope in women. The impact of this campaign extends far beyond transforming the lives of ex-offenders, but also sparks conversations about providing support to the marginalised female communities out there. Join LUX in its movement to uplift and celebrate the beauty and strength of women everywhere with ‘Getting Ready’.

For more information, please view the videos:

India -

Indo -

About LUX

LUX has been celebrating beauty and femininity since 1925. We understand that beauty is a woman’s armour, her source of strength. It is hers to express, unapologetically. We will continue to help women everywhere fight casual sexism at home, in the workplace and in wider society.

Ogilvy Contact

Nikhita Sejpal

Marketing Manager

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Winner of Hong Kong’s Flagship Global Elevator Pitch...



Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of Hong Kong SAR (9th from right), Dr Sunny Chai, Chairman at HKSTP (8th from left), the top 12 finalists together with the competition’s panel of judges and distinguished guests.

Circular economy battery startup tozero GmbH walks away with the title of overall champion of the EPiC 2024

•tozero GmbH crowned as EPiC 2024 champion claiming the top cash prize of US$90,000, 1,100,000 Asia Miles, as well as invaluable investor exposure and partnership opportunities

•The EPiC 2024 competition breaks new ground as the Grand Finale caps off the first-ever four-city semi-final series across the U.S., Europe and Asia

•EPiC 2024 attracted a total of 603 contestants from 47 economies solidifying Hong Kong's unique position as a leading global innovation hub and ideal launchpad for startups on a mission to grow in Asia and go global

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 29 April 2024 - Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) today successfully held its flagship Elevator Pitch Competition (EPiC) 2024, with judges selecting tozero GmbH as the overall champion, beating over 70 startups from around the world. tozero GmbH from Germany is a circular economy start-up with plans to establish Europe's leading lithium-ion battery recycling plant.

The HKSTP signature event held four semi-finals around the world in Hong Kong, Silicon Valley, Stuttgart and Singapore. The Grand Finale featured over 70 companies, representing 16 economies, making this contest the most international iteration of the global pitching event to date. This broadened the net to attract outstanding startups from abroad.

The winners excelled from among 603 startups in the first round of applications in January to the semi-finals, to today's Grand Finale – all with their sights set on the to-be-arranged US$45 million investment[1] including up to US$5 million from the HKSTP Corporate Venture Fund (CVF), as well as US$240,000 in cash prizes, plus partnership opportunities. The Grand Finale saw all semi-finalists being propelled up to the sky100 venue at the top of the International Commerce Centre in West Kowloon, re-creating a real-life 60-second elevator pitch experience.

Ms. Sarah Fleischer from tozero GmbH, overall champion and MobilityTech winner at EPiC 2024.

Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of Hong Kong SAR, said, "Last year, Hong Kong's start-ups exceeded 4 200 - up more than one third over just four years ago. About a quarter of them are from outside Hong Kong."

The Government believes in innovation and technology. We continue to accelerate our I&T development, fostering the commercialisation of R&D (research and development) outcomes and expediting new industrialisation with staunch government support. We actively attract strategic enterprises engaged in artificial intelligence, life and health technology, fintech, and new energy and materials.

This year's EPiC featured over 70 companies, representing 16 economies at the Grand Finale, making this contest the most international iteration of the global pitching event to date.

We're also expediting our collaboration with sister cities in the Greater Bay Area. The joint innovation and technology park that we're developing close to the boundary with Shenzhen is a best case in point."

Dr Sunny Chai, Chairman, HKSTP, said, "EPiC 2024 has firmly established the annual pitching competition as Hong Kong's mega startup event, drawing the best of the best in tech startups from around the world as they seek to leverage Hong Kong as a launchpad to global success. The Grand Finale caps a truly epic journey for the winners and finalists, competing across the four-city semi-final series around the world, with the final stop in Hong Kong. The city provides unmatched growth opportunities for startups plugging into the HKSTP innovation ecosystem and primes them for seamless expansion from Hong Kong to the GBA, China and beyond."

Competitors were split across three categories: FinTech, PropTech and MobilityTech, with Bizbaz Pte. Ltd. from Singapore being named as the FinTech category winner, while Roboticplus.AI from Mainland China named the PropTech winner and tozero GmbH from Germany crowned the MobilityTech winner. (Full list of winners and prizes below).

The event was also sponsored by world leading corporations and industry innovators, Cathay, HSBC and MTR Lab. Ahead of the EPiC final pitching contest, the semi-finalists also took part in an immersive three-day "Market Discovery Programme", between 22-24 April. Participants explored ways to unlock growth opportunities through a programme of business matching, hands-on seminars and networking with leading corporate partners and investors in the HKSTP ecosystem. They also visited the Hong Kong Science Park Shenzhen Branch and introduced to the fast-emerging innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities in the Greater Bay Area and mainland China.

Sarah Fleischer, CEO and co-founder of overall champion and MobilityTech category winner, tozero GmbH, said, "Winning EPiC is a recognition of the hard work of our entire company. It is truly an amazing achievement. Hong Kong is a great place to be as it attracts top talent. At tozero, we're building a battery recycling machine so we need to hire the best AI guys out there and Hong Kong could be a nice place to do that. Through the EPIC programme, we also visited Shenzhen, as well as met with some of Hong Kong's most powerful and recognised people."

Vincent Choy, Co-founder of FinTech category winner, Bizbaz Pte. Ltd., said, "EPiC is one of the most organised FinTech competitions that I have been in. The elevator pitch concept is genius as it forces us to compress the entirety of what we are about and distil our vision into a minute. I hope EPiC lets more companies know what we do and help with recognition in the region. We see Hong Kong as a key area when it comes to business opportunities, and we will be coming back to establish more roots here."

Hyde Meng, Co-Founder and CEO of PropTech category winner, Roboticplus.AI, said, "EPiC was an amazing experience. It was a great opportunity to learn about what technology companies around the world are working on, and to make new acquaintances in a such a short amount of time. With Hong Kong as a connector, we can bring Mainland China's technology to Europe, the Middle East, and overseas."

Winners List and Prizes:

Overall Champion: tozero GmbHUS$60,000 cash prize and 1,100,000 Asia Miles

FinTech Winner: Bizbaz Pte. Ltd.US$20,000 cash prize

PropTech Winner: Roboticplus.AIUS$20,000 cash prize

MobilityTech Winner: tozero GmbHUS$20,000 cash prize

Top 12 Overall Finalists (each received US$10,000 cash prize):

FinTech Category:•Bizbaz Pte. Ltd.




PropTech Category:•Green Independence

•Hyele Limited

•Kodifly Limited


MobilityTech Category:•Certivity


•tozero GmbH


Semi-Finalists Breakdown:

Category No. of contestants

FinTech21 (30%)

PropTech23 (32%)

MobilityTech27 (38%)

RegionNo. of contestants

Europe17 (24%)

North America14 (20%)

APAC13 (18%)

Mainland China12 (17%)

Hong Kong15 (21%)

For more information on EPiC 2024, please visit:


[1] Target to arrange USD45 Million investment: Investors (including funds managed by HKSTP CVF, Beyond Ventures, BitRock Capital, Gaw Capital, HKX, InnoAngel, Jafco Asia, Mindworks Capital and Radiant Tech Ventures) will consider investing in applicants (subject to terms and conditions to be agre ed between the parties)

About Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) was established in 2001 to create a thriving I&T ecosystem grooming 12 unicorns, more than 14,000 research professionals and over 1,700 technology companies from 27 countries and regions focused on developing healthtech, AI and robotics, fintech and smart city technologies, etc.

Our growing innovation ecosystem offers comprehensive support to attract and nurture talent, accelerate and commercialise innovation for technology ventures, with the I&T journey built around our key locations of Hong Kong Science Park in Shatin, InnoCentre in Kowloon Tong and three modern InnoParks in Tai Po, Tseung Kwan O and Yuen Long realising a vision of new industrialisation for Hong Kong, where sectors including advanced manufacturing, micro-electronics and biotechnology are being reimagined.

Hong Kong Science Park Shenzhen Branch in Futian, Shenzhen plays positive roles in connecting the world and the mainland with our proximity, strengthening cross-border exchange to bring advantages in attracting global talent and allowing possibilities for the development of technology companies in seven key areas: Medtech, big data and AI, robotics, new materials, microelectronics, fintech and sustainability, with both dry and wet laboratories, co-working space, conference and exhibition facilities, and more.

Through our R&D infrastructure, startup support and enterprise services, commercialisation and investment expertise, partnership networks and talent traction, HKSTP continues contribute in establishing I&T as a pillar of growth for Hong Kong.

More information about HKSTP is available at

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