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La campagna Kinder Joy of Moving, dagli obiettivi...



La campagna Kinder Joy of Moving, dagli obiettivi all’impatto sulle scuole

La campagna Kinder Joy of Moving, dagli obiettivi all'impatto sulle scuole

Milano, 30 Gennaio 2024. In un mondo che corre sempre più veloce e sempre più connesso, si corre spesso il rischio di dimenticare l'importanza del gioco e dell’attività motoria, soprattutto per i più giovani. Ed è qui che entra in campo il progetto Kinder Joy of Moving (KJOM): un'iniziativa sociale dall'animo internazionale, sviluppata dal Gruppo Ferrero, con l'obiettivo di riportare il movimento al centro dell'esperienza dei bambini.

Un approfondimento sulla campagna Kinder Joy of Moving

La mission di questo progetto è quella di favorire una predisposizione verso l'attività fisica nei bambini, attraverso eventi e programmi educativi e sportivi. Grazie all’impatto generato dalle diverse attività (205 milioni di utenti sui social), attraverso il KJOM si vuole andare oltre il concetto di semplice iniziativa: si parla infatti di un vero e proprio movimento sociale, che ha come cardine l'intenzione di promuovere, attraverso il gioco, l’attività fisica e sportiva in modo sia formativo sia divertente.

Non a caso, il motto di Kinder Joy of Moving è "Let joy win": in sintesi, una filosofia che mira a trasformare l'attività fisica in un mezzo per potenziare lo sviluppo motorio e cognitivo dei bimbi, puntando sul divertimento e non sulla competizione. Partito con un'intenzione chiara e precisa, il KJOM è già riuscito a coinvolgere oltre 2,6 milioni di bambini in tutto il mondo (in 33 paesi).

Il progetto lanciato dal Gruppo Ferrero può inoltre avvalersi di un network di partner di portata nazionale e internazionale. Dai comitati olimpici alle università e alle scuole, fino ad arrivare ai ministeri, alle associazioni sportive e all'IFS, ovvero l'ente rappresentante lo sport scolastico a livello mondiale.

La sinergia di KJOM con le scuole

Dato che educare attraverso il movimento è uno degli obiettivi primari del KJOM, quale altro ambiente può rappresentare il luogo migliore per iniziare questo percorso se non la scuola? Non a caso, Kinder Joy of Moving finora ha coinvolto oltre 10.000 classi in Italia, dimostrando l'efficacia della sua integrazione nel sistema scolastico tricolore. Molti istituti hanno riconosciuto il valore di questa iniziativa, tanto che alcune università (come quelle di Torino e Brescia) hanno deciso di includere il KJOM nei propri piani formativi.

Questa iniziativa ha varcato i confini italiani, espandendosi a livello internazionale in Paesi come il Regno Unito, l'Australia, il Brasile e l'Arabia Saudita. La diffusione globale del KJOM è la prova dell'universalità del suo messaggio e della sua applicabilità in contesti educativi differenti dal nostro.

Cos'è e come funziona il metodo JOM?

Il progetto Kinder Joy of Moving si basa sul metodo educativo Joy of Moving: una strategia che mette al centro il divertimento, anziché la competizione. Lo scopo non è quello di formare atleti, ma di promuovere il benessere generale e il sano sviluppo dei bambini su diversi fronti, compresi aspetti cruciali come quello cognitivo, motorio, sociale e relazionale.

L'approccio del metodo JOM è innovativo perché considera il gioco non come un semplice passatempo, ma come un vero e proprio strumento di apprendimento e di crescita. In questo contesto, l'attività fisica si trasforma in un veicolo per l'acquisizione di abilità sociali e personali, e il movimento diventa un linguaggio universale utile a esplorare se stessi e il mondo.

Per maggiori informazioni

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Un team di giornalisti altamente specializzati che eleva il nostro quotidiano a nuovi livelli di eccellenza, fornendo analisi penetranti e notizie d’urgenza da ogni angolo del globo. Con una vasta gamma di competenze che spaziano dalla politica internazionale all’innovazione tecnologica, il loro contributo è fondamentale per mantenere i nostri lettori informati, impegnati e sempre un passo avanti.


Innolux Participates in Display Week 2024, Showcasing...



Innolux Participates in Display Week 2024, Showcasing Exclusive Products and Technologies for Smart City Solutions and Low-Carbon Automotive Applications

ZHUNAN, TAIWAN - Media OutReach Newswire - 13 May 2024 - Innolux announces its presence at SID Display Week 2024 in San Jose, USA, from May 14 to May 16, to unveil a range of new display technologies tailored for public spaces and smart mobility vehicles.

Innolux’s innovative color conversion MicroLED display technology is transforming the world of digital art

Innolux has continued to innovate cutting-edge display technology, and will showcase the 106-inch Color Conversion AM-MicroLED Free Tiling Display for the first time. This pioneering display boasts the four major advantages of ultra-high-definition image quality, high color saturation, unparalleled ambient light contrast, and free-tiling. By creating extremely small pixel pitch, ensuring ultra-high-definition and detailed imaging quality across the entire image. The focus of its applications will be on niche markets, particularly the market for high-definition immersive experiences in large spaces and digital art. By breaking free of the limitation on traditional display border, customized display sizes ranging from 26.4 inches to 220 inches can be provided based on requirements to create new possibilities for digital art and mesmerizing visual entertainment.

Innolux's exclusive LC dimming technology is fast-tracking the development of smart automotive applications in support of low-carbon living. The Smart LC Window boasts dynamic transmittance, anti-glare, energy efficiency, reduced power consumption, rapid response, and intelligent networking. With LC dimming technology, Flexible Dimming LCW maintains true colors without color distortion, and blocks 99% of ultraviolet rays. Innolux is also the first in the industry to launch Smart LC Dimming Side View Mirror, and its rapid response and accurate color reproduction not only improve driving safety and comfort but increase the value of the application of LC dimming technology in cars. Innolux’s groundbreaking Smart Dimming Sun Visor adjusts light transmittance instantly in intense conditions.

Video clips on Innolux’s exclusive products and technologies:

Information on Innolux’s participation in SID Display Week 2024

Date: May 14 (Tuesday) to May 16 (Thursday), 2024

Time: May 14, from 10:30 to 18:30

May 15, from 09:00 to 17:00

May 16, from 09:00 to 14:00

Exhibition Location: San Jose McEnery Convention Center, San Jose, California, USA

Booth Number: 215


Anita Chien +886-(0)6-505-1888 #47153,+886-(0)911-572-225,

Iris Tsou +886-(0)37-586-000 #62329,

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Head of Transparency Thailand Foundation supports the Thai...



BANGKOK, THAILAND - Media OutReach Newswire - 13 May 2024 - The Head of Transparency Thailand Foundation (TTF) points out Thailand must reform the justice system and improve outdated or obstructive laws, while also reducing the use of discretion by the government sector to counter corruption. She also suggests that "NACC and Thai people" stop paying much concern to the results of the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), unveiling that an organizer has some limitations in scoring.

In an exclusive interview with the Integrity Way, a team of the Office of Thailand's National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) in recent days, Mrs. Juree Vichit-Vadakan, Chairperson of Transparency Thailand Foundation highlights that corruption problems have affected the development of each country in particularly on the economic sector. Obviously, it has been seen in the investment sector as investors will consider how easy or difficult it is to do business in that country based on a chance for corruption. Investors will consider whether they need to pay a bribe or not. If it is found that a country has complicated regulations and each agency can ask for bribes, it will become a hidden cost. Those are considered crucial reasons for whether or not they should invest in each country.

Chairperson of the Transparency Thailand Foundation elaborates that when focusing on the corruption situation in Thailand on prevention and suppression, there are more efforts to help lessen the problem. For example, during the past several years the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) demonstrated good performance in counter-corruption efforts. However, the general public may not be aware of the in-depth information. Yet, people who had followed the movements could acknowledge those attempts. In the case of the Comptroller General's Department conducting the Integrity Pact (IP) project and the Public Construction Transparency Project (CoST), both of these tools can prevent corruption and save the national budget by more than 100 billion baht. But we must admit that there are still some people who look for loopholes in the system to commit corruption. However, the right solution is efficient law enforcement.

Mrs. Juree added that if considering Thailand's anti-corruption mechanism, whether it is an organization or a law, Thailand has more than other countries. Therefore, the point is not to create more laws or regulations. Yet, the problems are the functioning of the bureaucracy, the efficiency of law enforcement, trial, and judgment of punishment, which need to be done at an appropriate time. Each corruption case should not be delayed in ruling; otherwise, people will totally ignore and forget. Moreover, there must be a law reformation of the Regulatory Guillotine in order to repeal or improve laws or regulations that are no longer necessary or inconsistent with the circumstances or that are an obstacle in contacting government agencies, while also Thailand should diminish the use of discretion by civil servants. All of these mentions require a reformation. Nevertheless, those problems have also been seen in many countries, not only in Thailand.

"If looking from the past until the present, people in this generation are more aware of corruption problems. People in the past may not understand clearly 'Conflict of Interest'. Nowadays, they are better understood about Conflict of Interest. People also talk about the transparency of projects in the area. For instance, the "Growing Good" project has made people more aware of anti-corruption. People are currently focusing more on creating awareness among children and youth," the chairperson of the Transparency Thailand Foundation explains.

She also says about Thailand's Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) that for many years, the CPI index has been released and has embarrassed Thailand compared with other nations. Since the Transparency Thailand Foundation has worked with Transparency International (TI), the foundation has learned that there are many steps in conducting a Corruption Perception Index. One important step is the answer from a person that TI has assigned to be responsible for that country. Therefore, the answer may be inaccurate from reality for various reasons.

Those reasons are such limitations on inaccessibility of information, and failure to understand the context of Thai society and Thai politics. Westerners may think that rights and freedoms can only occur in an elected government. The military government must be corrupted. However, the surveyors were not aware that the Thai military government had initiated the Integrity Pact and Transparency Project in public sector construction, which helped save a high amount of the national budget. This performance may not be aware among foreigners, but most Thai people also do not acknowledge this effort. In addition, the Thai media does not pay much attention to positive stories or they may report about that news but people do not pay much attention, unlike bad or criminal news. The more scandalous the news is, the news reports will be presented for several days as people like that kind of news. Unfortunately, people do not like much about good news. Good news will appear only once time and then totally disappear.

"If I were a NACC officer, I would not pay too much attention to the CPI index. Thailand should not be concerned much about the score. However, Thai people seem to attach great importance to it, even though it has many limitations. The NACC, Thailand, and those involved in the government should focus on doing their work effectively and have the courage to announce on the global stage about their successful projects and implementation in counter corruption to create greater awareness among foreigners," she ends the interview with support to NACC, Thailand in fighting against corruption.

*This exclusive interview translation is funded by the National Anti-Corruption Fund (NACF).

National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), Thailand

The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) is a constitutional independent organization and supervised by nine commissioners selected from various professions. It is authorised to undertake work on the prevention and suppression of malfeasance, particularly in government agencies, on assets investigations, as well as on the monitoring of ethics and virtues of political position holders.

It has the authority to file charges in court as well as support and build up awareness of the penalties for committing corruption. The NACC is supervised by the NACC Board and has the Office of the NACC as its administrative agency.

Since 1997, Thai Courts have ruled against and punished politicians, former ministers, high-ranking government officials as well as executives of the private sector in the thousands of cases submitted by the NACC.

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Careggi. Pro Vita Famiglia: Bene stop a Triptorelina, ora...




10 maggio 2024. "Esprimiamo soddisfazione per il blocco della somministrazione a bambini e adolescenti della Triptorelina - il farmaco bloccante della pubertà - all’Ospedale Careggi di Firenze, a seguito dell’inchiesta e delle indagini condotte dalla Procura e dal Ministero della Salute. E’ inquietante immaginare che questo farmaco possa essere stato somministrato ai minori con presunta disforia di genere senza le adeguate, e obbligatorie, valutazioni neuropsichiatriche per verificare altre eventuali cause dei disagi dei minori. Finalmente l’Italia sta seguendo l’esempio di molti Paesi occidentali un tempo pionieri nell’approccio affermativo alla disforia di genere - come il Regno Unito - e sta crollando il castello di carte. Auspichiamo quindi che questo possa essere il punto di non ritorno e che il nuovo presidente dell’AIFA Robert Giovanni Nisticò, alla luce delle più recenti ricerche ed evidenze medico-scientifiche, vieti proprio l’uso della Triptorelina per bloccare lo sviluppo puberale di minorenni, per via dei potenziali, gravi e irreversibili danni alla salute. Lo scandalo Careggi non deve rimanere un campanello d’allarme inascoltato: il Ministero della Salute disponga quindi immediatamente ispezioni in tutti i centri ospedalieri in cui si tratta la disforia di genere sui minori". Così Jacopo Coghe, portavoce di Pro Vita & Famiglia onlus.

Ufficio Stampa Pro Vita e Famiglia Onlus

t.: 0694325503

m.: 3929042395

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