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Maria Grazia Chiuri Named 2024 Recipient of the Neiman...



Maria Grazia Chiuri Named 2024 Recipient of the Neiman Marcus Award for Distinguished Service in the Field of Fashion

The accomplished Creative Director for Dior is celebrated for advancing the historic French house to a modern era of fashion for women by women

DALLAS, Jan. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Neiman Marcus announces Maria Grazia Chiuri, Creative Director of Women's Haute Couture, Ready-To-Wear and Accessories Collections for Dior, as the 2024 recipient of the Neiman Marcus Award for Distinguished Service in the Field of Fashion. This is the same distinction that was given to Monsieur Dior in 1947. Dior's first female creative director receives the honor as a transformative creative visionary who has made a significant impact on the luxury fashion industry.

"The Neiman Marcus Awards celebrate global fashion luminaries who have inspired and shaped the industry," said Geoffroy van Raemdonck, Chief Executive Officer, Neiman Marcus Group. "We recognize Maria Grazia Chiuri with the same award Monsieur Dior won for her extraordinary work at the House of Dior that has catapulted female creative representation in the industry. Her historic appointment at the Parisian Maison has ushered in a new era of cultural impact for the brand."

Chiuri's internationally acclaimed career spans over 25 years with some of the world's most iconic fashion houses including Fendi and Valentino. Through her leadership and creative passion, she has brought an elegant and modern vision that pays homage to the house's heritage and revolutionary codes originally created by Monsieur Dior. Her insightful perspective inspires and engages women who recognize themselves in her fashion.

"I am honoured and delighted to receive the Neiman Marcus Award. Receiving this award given to Christian Dior in 1947, in recognition of the extraordinary impact his first collection had on the world of fashion, fills me with pride. Since my arrival at Dior, I have striven every day to respect this heritage that is part of the history of fashion, while also using my own poetic approach to shape the future of the brand in our complex world that is constantly bringing new challenges," said Chiuri. "This award pushes me to keep giving my all, doing the best I can for women, helping them to find the awareness they need to never give up on themselves and to overcome all hurdles. It is to them, to all the women who have made me a better woman, that I dedicate this award. I also dedicate it to Michela Murgia: an author, activist, friend, and endless source of inspiration."

In less than a decade at the helm, Chiuri has led Dior to new heights as one of the most desirable luxury brands globally. Through her platform, she has showcased a multitude of female creatives on an unprecedented level and beyond her designs, she values community and culture. Chiuri has earned notable recognition for her efforts to create stronger female leadership and permanent impact on the industry. As a women co-founded and majority women-led organization, Neiman Marcus Group shares her value of women's empowerment within the company and industry.

Stanely Marcus presented the same honor to Monsieur Dior in Dallas at the eve of his career. In his memoirs, Monsieur Dior remarks the formative experience as the moment his young brand was able to first connect with the American customer. "Rereading the letter, I discovered that the Oscar…would for the first time be awarded to a French couturier and that I was going to receive this accolade as early as my first collection!," said Christian Dior in his book Dior: The Autobiography of Christian Dior. "What was being recognized was the awakening of French fashion. It was my duty to represent my country on such an honorable occasion, confirming the preeminent place of Paris in this domain."

On March 3, Chiuri will be recognized in front of her peers and additional forthcoming honorees at the retailer's awards celebration during Paris Fashion Week at the iconic Ritz Hotel. This celebration will commence with a full year of multi-level programing with each recipient that will focus on connecting customers with unique experiences as part of its comprehensive 'retail-tainment' strategy.

"Throughout her career, Maria Grazia Chiuri has been a powerful force in the luxury industry, showing an unwavering dedication to the advancement of women in fashion," said Lana Todorovich, Chief Merchandising Officer, Neiman Marcus. "Her creations will be brought to life through our 'retail-tainment' strategy which connects our customers to exclusive experiences from our premiere brand partners."

For more information, view the press kit or the Neiman Marcus Awards page on

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ABOUT NEIMAN MARCUS:Neiman Marcus is a Dallas-based luxury retailer, providing customers access to exclusive and emerging brands, anticipatory service, and unique experiences since 1907. Each day, Neiman Marcus connects with customers worldwide while delighting them with exceptional experiences across a 36-store presence in the U.S., one of the largest U.S. e-commerce luxury platforms, and industry-leading remote selling and personalization technology. From delectable dining and indulgent beauty services to bespoke experiences and exclusive products, there is something for everyone. To keep up with the latest news and events at Neiman Marcus, visit or follow the brand on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

ABOUT THE NEIMAN MARCUS AWARDS:The Neiman Marcus Awards is a platform to recognize and amplify breakthrough luminaries in fashion globally. The platform includes the prestigious Neiman Marcus Award for Distinguished Service in the Field of Fashion, a legacy established by Carrie Marcus Neiman and Stanley Marcus 86 years ago, as well as two expanded categories: the Neiman Marcus Award for Creative Impact in the Field of Fashion and the Neiman Marcus Award for Innovation in the Field of Fashion.

The Distinguished Service Award has been given to over 150 luxury fashion luminaries in the industry, including Christian Dior, Coco Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Giorgio Armani, Grace Kelly, Karl Lagerfeld, Elsa Schiaparelli, Miuccia Prada, Oscar de la Renta, Ralph Lauren, Salvatore Ferragamo, Carolina Herrera, Estée Lauder, and Baccarat, among others.

In 2023, Neiman Marcus brought back the awards, honoring Brunello Cucinelli, Jonathan Anderson of LOEWE, and Amina Muaddi. Throughout the duration of the year, Neiman Marcus partnered with each designer to engage in highly successful, exclusive customer programming as part of its "retail-tainment" strategy.

For more information about the program and the 2023 award successes, click here.

ABOUT MARIA GRAZIA CHIURI:Maria Grazia Chiuri was named Creative Director of women's haute couture, ready-to-wear and accessories collections for Dior in July 2016, becoming the first woman to hold this position at the House. Across the seasons, and through her many collaborations, she reveals the talents, inventiveness and commitment of artists and artisans from around the world, whose savoir-faire, techniques and images nurture and enrich a priceless collective heritage.

"I strive to be attentive to what is happening in the world and to create fashion that resembles the women of today. Fashion that accompanies them in their transformations, avoiding stereotypical categories of «masculine/feminine, «young/less young,» and «reason/emotion,» which also have complementary aspects," Maria Grazia Chiuri explained at her first runway show for the House of Dior. Beyond gender and differences, she champions the importance of plurality and self-affirmation in the name of free will.

In her view, fashion is not only a means to better understand oneself, but also a tool for expressing one's identity and authentic, multi-faceted singularity. Her work is inspired by personalities who embody a true balance between grace and strength of character. Her muses include dancers, artists, photographers, activists and writers, as well as the courageous young women of today, first among them her daughter, Rachele.

Maria Grazia Chiuri was born in Rome in 1964. Inspired by her mother, a dressmaker, she knew early on that she wanted to work in fashion. She studied at the Istituto Europeo di Design in Rome, where she trained in the technical side of fashion design while exploring the cultural and artistic heritage of the Italian capital. Art history and cinema have always informed her work, notably during her time at Fendi, a House for which she designed handbags, starting in 1989. In 1999, she was appointed head of accessories at Valentino, and from 2008 to 2016 held the position of joint creative director alongside Pierpaolo Piccioli.

Since arriving at Dior in 2016, Maria Grazia Chiuri has encouraged a celebration of universal empowerment and sorority. Through the messages in her collections and runway presentations, which are conceived like so many manifestos, such as "We Should All Be Feminists", "Sisterhood Is Powerful" and "Women's Love Is Unpaid Labour*", she reasserts and celebrates the values central to feminist (r)evolutions and the younger generations, transcending dictates and stereotypes more than ever through audacious artistic dialogues that are constantly reinvented.

On the occasion of the Dior fall-winter 2019-2020 haute couture show, Maria Grazia Chiuri was awarded the Chevalier de l'Ordre National de la Légion d'Honneur (Knight of the National Order of the Legion of Honor) by France's Secretary of State for Gender Equality, Marlène Schiappa. This prestigious recognition distinguishes the creative passion and commitment of the Creative Director, who through her involvement and vision of fashion and haute couture contributes to the influence of France and the House of Dior around the world.


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Un team di giornalisti altamente specializzati che eleva il nostro quotidiano a nuovi livelli di eccellenza, fornendo analisi penetranti e notizie d’urgenza da ogni angolo del globo. Con una vasta gamma di competenze che spaziano dalla politica internazionale all’innovazione tecnologica, il loro contributo è fondamentale per mantenere i nostri lettori informati, impegnati e sempre un passo avanti.


Cento Teatri in Cinque Continenti: Fabio Omodei a capo di...




Roma, 26 luglio 2024 - E’ italiano l’artista che guiderà il progetto “100 Teatri in Cinque Continenti”, uno dei più grandi progetti internazionali di teatro. Dopo aver rappresentato il teatro italiano in tutto il mondo e dopo aver ricevuto numerosi premi e riconoscimenti, Fabio Omodei ha fatto prevalere la sua grande esperienza internazionale come regista e come Maestro di Teatro apprezzato in Italia ed all’Estero.

Da Broadway all’Australia, passando per il Nord Africa, l’Asia e l’Europa; tutti uniti per la produzione e la distribuzione di spettacoli dal vivo.

Questo progetto idealmente è iniziato più di 20 anni fa, durante uno dei primi viaggi di lavoro all’estero di Fabio Omodei. Erano in scena a Praga in un meraviglioso festival internazionale. Rappresentavano l’Italia e portavano con loro una lettera del nostro Presidente della Repubblica, che era orgoglioso per quello che stavano facendo.

Dopo venti anni Omodei ha capito che è giunto il momento di coinvolgere ambasciate, istituti di cultura e consolati per creare una rete fitta e robusta tra 100 teatri, 20 in ogni continente, che approfitteranno di questa incredibile occasione.

Andare in scena a Broadway non deve essere più un sogno per un artista, così come salire su un palcoscenico dall’altro capo del mondo.

Il teatro a livello mondiale deve parlare una sola lingua, deve fare da collante e da connessione tra il pubblico e gli artisti; ma soprattutto il teatro deve essere un luogo di pace, perché la cultura è sinonimo di pace.

Verranno selezionati spettacoli da tutto il mondo, ma soprattutto verranno scelti oltre 50 tra attori e attrici disposti a viaggiare e lavorare. I criteri di selezione sono ovviamente la qualità artistica dei progetti e soprattutto la qualità umana delle persone.

Qualità artistica e qualità umana, trovarle entrambe in una società che sembra insegnare sempre di più l’importanza di una condivisione “social” e distaccata, piuttosto che una condivisione sociale ed umana, è sempre più difficile.

Tutto sta cambiando. Il social è un mezzo importante per la diffusione immediata delle informazioni ma soprattutto è diventato uno strumento fondamentale per gli artisti che vogliono promuovere il loro lavoro. Siamo bombardati quotidianamente da messaggi che si soffermano sull’importanza della propria immagine.

Il “se” ha già sostituito il “noi”. Spesso su un social come Instagram ci troviamo davanti ad attori o attrici con tanta esperienza in Italia ed all’estero, che hanno preferito sostituire il proprio curriculum con la propria immagine.

Delle volte è difficile capire la differenza tra un’artista e una persona senza esperienza. Bisognerebbe chiedere il curriculum a tutti e non sempre è possibile. Tutto questo può essere molto dannoso per tutto il sistema perché provoca un livellamento verso il basso del lavoro, almeno in apparenza.

Sicuramente la propria immagine gioca un ruolo importante nella società di oggi, ma non può essere più importante dello studio, della preparazione e delle esperienze lavorative che man mano si fanno.

Fabio Omodei racconta che quando riceve domande, complimenti o considerazioni su due miei ex allievi, oggi meravigliosi artisti, Marisa Serra e Leonardo Maltese che sono presenti su tutti i giornali per essere due grandi protagonisti del cinema italiano e che “hanno un bel viso per la telecamera”, deve sempre specificare che, al di là della verità oggettiva di questa affermazione, stiamo parlando di due artisti di livello altissimo che hanno studiato tanto e continuano a farlo.

Ridurre tutto all’immagine non è corretto e non è reale, rischiamo di livellare tutto verso il basso, perché dietro il loro successo c’è il loro merito di aver fatto un lavoro molto duro fatto di studio e sacrificio. Quindi si, è difficile trovare le due cose, ma non impossibile; bisogna far capire alle nuove generazioni che sia nel teatro come nel cinema è fondamentale, il sacrificio, lo studio ed il lavoro di squadra perché la crescita professionale avviene proprio attraverso quella umana. L’una è imprescindibile dall’altra;

Fabio Omodei si occupa della Direzione, con Paolo Alessandri e Monica Raponi, dell’Accademia Teatrale di Roma Sofia Amendolea.

Hanno tanti progetti di spettacolo e di formazione da sviluppare in tutto il mondo. Ma Omodei racconta che quando sentirà che sarà il momento giusto si occuperò di avere uno spazio teatrale importante anche per fare grandi produzioni teatrali. Non è lontano questo momento, ma non è oggi.

Tra i progetti futuri c’è anche la realizzazione di uno spettacolo nuovo tratto dall’unione di spettacoli che ha già realizzato. A dire il vero è stato un gruppo di attori che ha proposto a Omodei di prendere due spettacoli recenti che sono collegati fra di loro e portarli in scena in un'unica rappresentazione. Dieci anni fa l’ultima grande produzione di questo tipo in scena al Teatro Quirino di Roma.

Il discorso è sempre lo stesso, c’è bisogno di trovare un numero di artisti dalla doppia qualità. Se dovesse arrivare il numero di persone giuste per questo progetto, Omodei sarebbe disposto a tornare in scena al Teatro Argentina con enorme piacere.

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Digital Media Aps

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La digitalizzazione nel settore dell’ospitalità: il...



Milano, 26 Luglio 2024. Nel contesto dell'industria ospitaliera moderna, l'innovazione tecnologica è diventata un elemento cruciale per rispondere efficacemente alle esigenze dei consumatori. L'ultimo studio "Hospitality in Italia" realizzato da Kantar e TeamSystem rivela che il 58% degli italiani valuta positivamente il Wi-Fi gratuito, il 51% apprezza la possibilità di prenotare online, mentre il 45% preferisce il pagamento dell'acconto via web. Questi dati non solo sottolineano un cambio di paradigma nelle preferenze dei viaggiatori ma indicano anche una direzione chiara per gli investimenti futuri nel settore.

TeamSystem, azienda leader nello sviluppo di soluzioni digitali, emerge come un attore fondamentale in questo scenario. Con una gamma di servizi che copre tutto, dalla prenotazione online al check-in e check-out digitalizzati, la compagnia aiuta le strutture ricettive a migliorare l'efficienza e ad aumentare la soddisfazione del cliente. Il valore aggiunto di queste tecnologie si estende oltre la comodità per il consumatore; rappresenta anche un significativo vantaggio competitivo per le aziende che le adottano.

La ricerca ha evidenziato come il 31% degli utenti apprezzi il check-in e check-out online, una funzionalità che non solo velocizza i processi ma riduce anche le interazioni fisiche, un aspetto particolarmente rilevante in un'era post-pandemica. Inoltre, la digitalizzazione facilita una raccolta dati più precisa e accessibile, permettendo alle strutture di adattare i loro servizi in tempo reale alle preferenze dei clienti.

In un mondo sempre più connesso, la digitalizzazione nel settore dell'ospitalità non è più un'opzione, ma una necessità. Le aziende che scelgono di investire in tecnologie avanzate come quelle proposte da TeamSystem non solo rispondono meglio alle attese dei consumatori moderni ma si posizionano anche per capitalizzare sulle tendenze future.

Oltre alla semplice implementazione tecnologica, è cruciale anche l'approccio verso una gestione più integrata e intelligente del cliente. Soluzioni basate sull'intelligenza artificiale, come quelle offerte da TeamSystem, permettono di prevedere le tendenze dei consumatori e di personalizzare l'offerta, elevando così l'esperienza complessiva e garantendo un livello di personalizzazione prima impensabile.

In conclusione, l'industria dell'ospitalità si trova di fronte a una rivoluzione digitale che non solo trasforma le operazioni quotidiane ma ridefinisce anche l'interazione tra ospiti e strutture. Gli operatori del settore devono quindi essere pronti a integrare le nuove tecnologie per rimanere competitivi e garantire una customer experience all'altezza delle aspettative odierne.

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Andrea Puchetti

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VinFast capitalizes on Europe’s SUV craze with...



VinFast capitalizes on Europe's SUV craze with diverse lineup

HANOI, VIETNAM - Media OutReach Newswire - 26 July 2024 - Leveraging global growing appetite for SUVs, VinFast is well-positioned to capture market share with its comprehensive product portfolio. Spanning segments A to E, the Vietnamese automaker offers a variety of electric SUVs to cater to diverse needs. VinFast has just introduced the D-segment model VF 8 in Europe, but the B-segment car model VF 6 promises to make waves with its modern design, packed with smart features. Coupled with VinFast's industry-leading warranty and after-sales support, the VF 6 presents an attractive option for cost-conscious young Europeans seeking a seamless transition to electric mobility.

Europe's love affair with SUVs has reached a new peak, with these vehicles surpassing all other categories combined in sales for 2023, according to data from Automotive News Europe. This dominance, foreshadowed by rising SUV popularity in recent years, marks a significant shift in the European automotive landscape.

While the image of hulking SUVs might come to mind, the trend is largely driven by the rise of smaller, more manageable SUVs that have replaced the continent's once-ubiquitous hatchbacks. These compact people movers, accounting for 4.1 million sales in 2023, are the current darlings of European drivers.

This trend presents an opportunity for VinFast, a Vietnamese electric car company with a global outlook. The Nasdaq-listed automaker, known for its diverse product range, sees Europe's embrace of SUVs as a springboard for its electric vehicle ambitions.

Vingroup - VinFast’s parent company, Vietnam’s leading private corporation - is a dominant force in the country’s economy, contributing approximately 1.6% to its 2023 GDP. This diversified conglomerate spans technology-industry, trade & services, and social enterprise.

At the helm of this empire is Vietnam's wealthiest individual, Pham Nhat Vuong, who views VinFast as a “devotion project”. “The electric vehicle market is poised for significant growth,” Vuong asserts, underscoring his unwavering commitment to VinFast as the cornerstone of Vingroup’s future.

Led by its visionary founder, VinFast is determined to be a driving force in the global electric vehicle revolution, navigating a landscape of rising interest rates, a shaky global economy, and potential dips in consumer confidence. To mitigate these headwinds, VinFast has established a competitive edge through a multifaceted approach.

The company offers a comprehensive electric mobility ecosystem, encompassing electric buses, scooters, and cars. Its passenger car segment caters to a wide range of needs and budgets, with offerings spanning from mini e-SUV to full-sized electric SUVs. Notably, VinFast boasts a diverse SUV lineup, including the VF 5, VF e34, VF 6, VF 7, VF 8, and VF 9, spanning from A-SUV to E-SUV segments.

VinFast's VF 6 SUV Aims to Take Electric Mobility Mainstream

VinFast is making a strategic push into global markets with the VF 6, a B-segment SUV that has garnered positive reviews in its domestic market. Analysts see the VF 6 as a key player in VinFast's plan to establish itself in demanding regions like the United States and Europe.

The VF 6 has been praised for its technology and features, which rival those found in more expensive vehicle classes. The spacious interior, with dimensions comparable to C-SUVs, caters to the needs of young families.

The electric drivetrain offers inherent advantages in terms of maintenance costs, as there's no need for frequent oil changes. Industry experts view the VF 6's combination of competitive pricing, stylish design, and advanced technology as a potential game-changer in the electric car market.

The VF 6's design, crafted by Torino Design, features VinFast's signature wing-shaped LED strip and imposing 19-inch alloy wheels, a rarity in the B-segment. The eye-catching aesthetics and unique color options are seen as appealing to style-conscious consumers.

Performance-wise, the VF 6 caters to a range of driving styles. In Vietnam, both the Base and Plus versions come equipped with a 59.6kWh LFP battery, offering a driving range of 399 km and 381 km respectively (based on WLTP standards). Power output varies between the two trims, with the Plus offering a more exhilarating driving experience thanks to its 150 kW electric motor and 310 Nm of torque.

The VF 6 Plus boasts an advanced driver-assistance system that includes traffic jam assistance, highway driving assistance, lane departure warning, and adaptive cruise control. These features, along with lane keeping assist, traffic sign recognition, and automatic emergency braking, are hallmarks of VinFast vehicles and contribute to a safer and more relaxing driving experience.

The VF 6 goes beyond its functional strengths by offering a suite of advanced technology and smart features. This elevates the driving experience, transforming the car into a well-equipped mobile hub that caters to entertainment and relaxation needs for passengers on the go.

Long Warranties and Strategic Partnerships Pave the Way for European Inroads

Following the tradition of VinFast's electric vehicle lineup, the VF 6 will be backed by a comprehensive after-sales program. In Vietnam, this includes a leading 7-year or 160,000 km warranty, whichever comes first. This industry-topping guarantee underscores VinFast's long-term commitment to every market it enters, fostering trust and confidence among consumers.

Particularly in Europe, a region known for its discerning car buyers, VinFast is doubling down on its warranty offerings. This warranty reflects the company's deep belief in the quality and reliability of the VF 6. It also signifies VinFast's commitment to providing European consumers with not just a compelling electric vehicle option, but also the peace of mind and security they expect from a car manufacturer. This strategy positions VinFast as a serious contender in the European electric car market, one that prioritizes not just innovation but also customer satisfaction over the long term.

In a strategic move to address potential customer concerns before delivering cars in the European market, VinFast has established key partnerships to build a robust after-sales and customer care network.

The company secured a cooperation agreement with Mobivia, a leading European car repair and maintenance brand, in April. This partnership grants VinFast customers in France and Germany access to high-quality after-sales services at Mobivia's expansive network of 1,200 service workshops. The agreement ensures warranty services, maintenance consultations, and the supply of new parts and accessories for VinFast electric vehicles, all adhering to Mobivia's rigorous standards.

Further bolstering customer confidence, VinFast announced a partnership with Bosch, a global leader in automotive technology and services. This collaboration grants VinFast customers in Europe access to Bosch's vast network of 700,000 charging points across 30 European countries. This seamless charging infrastructure empowers VinFast owners to navigate Europe with ease and peace of mind.

Building upon their successful two-year collaboration on charging services in North America, the Bosch-VinFast partnership in Europe exemplifies their commitment to providing a smooth and worry-free electric vehicle ownership experience. These pre-emptive actions demonstrate VinFast's understanding of the importance of customer care in the competitive European electric car market.

With a strategic focus on SUVs and a commitment to exceptional customer service, VinFast is poised to capitalize on the European electric vehicle market. The company's diverse product portfolio, including the well-received VF 6, caters to the continent's shift towards smaller, more manageable electric SUVs.

By prioritizing after-sales care through partnerships with established brands like Mobivia and Bosch, VinFast is addressing potential concerns and building trust among European consumers. This multifaceted approach positions VinFast as a serious contender in the electric vehicle landscape, one that is not just delivering innovative vehicles but is also building a reputation for long-term customer satisfaction. As Europe's love affair with SUVs continues to evolve, VinFast is well-positioned to become a household name for those seeking a seamless and stylish electric driving experience./.

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